20 September 2010

This image is called the "Standard of Ur." It is a pretty amazing piece of work done more than 3000 years ago. It was discovered in a giant burial site in southern Ur. Also uncovered were golden headdresses, lyres and gold jewelry. The work depicts several things happening. Your job is to describe what is happening and why it is happening. This might be easiest if you take on the role of a newspaper reporter. Your report should be atleast a paragraph long per event. (there are two)
A hint, today in class we discussed the 4 social classes present in Ur or Sumeria. All 4 classes are present in some form in both events. The 4 Social Classes are Kings and Priests, Wealthy Merchants/Traders, Farmers or Ordinary People, and finally, Slaves.
The other homework assigned tonight is a simple worksheet including Sumerian Math and Cuneiform, the Sumerian written language. After you have finished translating the paragraph provided for the worksheet, I would like you to write your own coded message using your own sympbols. We will share these tomorrow in class.
No need to worry about the TEST! wait a test? There will be a test on Friday. It may or may not be open note so I would start looking over notes taken so far. I will create a study guide that I will hand out on Wednesday so you will have a chance to look it over before we go over on Thursday.
The rest of the week: Tuesday will be a Map day, Wednesday is going to Babylon, Thursday will be review and Friday the Test.
Again, feel free to email me with any questions you have.

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