22 September 2010


In case you missed it: THE TEST HAS BEEN MOVED TO TUESDAY!! This is due to my absence on Tuesday and uncertainties throughout the rest of the week and weekend. Thursday we will cover Babylon and finish acting Hammurabi's Code. Friday looks to be a movie that Mrs. Lanik has. She said it will be a great way to wrap up everything we have discussed so far. Also on Friday I will hand out the study guide for the test. We will go over the study guide on Monday. I strongly encourage you to go over the study guide and see what you know and what you need to learn. Again, Monday will be a study day.
I have also been working on grades, by Sunday night your grades will all be up to date. Monday as you study for the test I will meet with each of you to go over how the class is going so far and what assignments you need to get in.
My dad is doing just fine, I saw him again tonight. He was alert and talking to me about the twins, I told him about all of my classes. He said he would like to visit. Anyone against that??


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