09 November 2010

Web Quest Part 2

In this part of the webquest we will be looking at who were some of the Greek Gods and Goddesses? These were some of the most important influences on the daily lives of Greek citizens. People of Ancient Greece believed that the Gods/Goddesses would directly interfere/intercede in their lives, so it is important to know who people were praying to.

In this part of the quest, you will create a chart of the following 10 Gods:

Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, Hera, Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Hermes, Kronos, Ares

Each chart will contain the following information:

Name of God/Goddess, What they are God/Goddess of, one relative and how they are related, and other interesting facts about that particular God (any other facts EXCEPT I DO NOT want another relative of that god/goddess). For some Gods/Goddesses you may be able to find more than one fact, others you may not, list up to five where possible.

Below your chart reflect on the following questions:

1. Which God/Goddess do you think had the most influence in everyday life for the Greeks? Why?