05 October 2010

Possible Grading Rubric for Essays

Possible Grading Rubric for Essays

4 Well done
3 Is that all you got?
2 did the PS3/Xbox talk you out of finishing?
1 please tell me you forgot
You presented many resources before drawing any conclusions
You have done research, but could have done more
Some to a little research present
Very little or no research present
You answer the question in your own way with supported evidence from a variety of resources
You answer the question, but …
I think you answered the question, but your essay has some repeated info/ trying really hard to get to a page
Your answer is a few sentences long, and I have no idea why you think that is the answer.
Elijah (my son) could read it. You have a clear thesis and clear supporting details.
I have to re read some sentences, but I get most of what you are saying
Some of your paragraphs conflict, some grammar and spelling issues
You know most computers have spell check yes?
The paper is clearly and directly related to the question
Your entire paper relates to the topic
The connection is weak, but I kind of see how that relates.
“Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh my!”
Relates how?

This is a rough draft! I will make the wording more formal for the final draft. Is this fair? What could better? I am willing to revise this several times before using it next week.

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